Cyber Bullying
Digital Privacy
Responsible digital citizenship is elementary. Each day three out of four students report cyberbullying. The teen suicide rate is rising at staggering statistics. We are here to educate and protect our children in this digital age. The cyber yard space needs to be free of humiliation. Crafting policy is key to strategizing a harassment-free world. A safe cyber world for our children needs to be a given. Even in elementary school.
Exploiting and harassing adults and teens with negative data leaves a digital footprint. These repercussions can mushroom if allowed to fester and grow. Advocating for digital privacy laws is our mission and seeking closure is our passion. No one should have to fear the ripple effect of inappropriate posting of any digital content on social media and beyond. Derogatory content is unfashionable, our goal is to keep it that way.
Digital Copyright / Intellectual Copyright
Child Advocacy
Mimicry and plagiarism are the new age reality of theft. Infringement rights and data breaches target our weak spots. Intangible objects notwithstanding, this is thievery at any level. Protecting digital content should be at the forefront of digital reform today. We make sure it is.
Keeping children out of the crosshairs is our battle cry. Lurking pedophiles intimidate and degrade children via offensive material. Abuse is abuse at any age and in any medium. Our efforts in child protective lobbying and advocacy are chief on our agenda each day. It is what allows us – and those that know our work – to sleep at night. Peacefully.